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6 Non-Fiction Books (You'll Actually Read)

I am a non-fiction reader by default. I am not sure if it was because I grew up obsessed with learning as much as I could (shout out to my grade 2 teacher Mme Foisy for letting me sneak time in the library at recess!) or if it is because I simply delight in dropping an odd factoid into conversations at parties. Either way, these are all books I truly enjoyed and recommend time and time again for those interested in dipping their toes into non-fiction.

If you'd like to try any of the recommendations, click on the book cover to place a hold.

Plantopedia by Lauren Camilleri & Sophia Kaplan

Like everyone else, we here at the library have gotten obsessed with keeping houseplants. This is the definitive text for potting, maintaining, and loving your houseplants and makes me feel like I can take on indoor gardening beyond owning a spider plant!

Everybody Has a Podcast (Except You) by the McElroy Brothers

I have yet to become rich after reading this book, but that did not make this book any less enjoyable. Man I just really love the McElroys. This is funny, and fascinating if you have ever been curious about how Podcasts work!

From the McElroy Brothers, creators and comedic forces behind the hit podcasts My Brother, My Brother and Me, The Adventure Zone, and many others, comes a helpful and sometimes hilarious how-to podcast guide covering everything you need to know to make, produce, edit, and promote a podcast...and get rich* doing it! (*Results not guaranteed)

A Brief History of Earth by Andrew Knoll

A great primer for those interested in understanding the basics of well…Earth! It is a shockingly quick read, and I now feel like I could definitely answer questions about our origins in the solar system.

Drawing on his decades of field research and up-to-the-minute understanding of the latest science, renowned geologist Andrew H. Knoll delivers a rigorous yet accessible biography of Earth, charting our home planet's epic 4.6 billion-year story. Placing twenty first-century climate change in deep context, A Brief History of Earth is an indispensable look at where we've been and where we're going.

Milk! A 10 000 Year Food Fracas by Mark Kurlansky

Ok, hear me out- This book is FASCINATING! I get so many strange looks when I cite this as a favourite, but it is a wild read. The history milk is shockingly political, and I was riveted the whole time. Mark Kurlansky's first global food history since the bestselling Cod and Salt; the fascinating cultural, economic, and culinary story of milk and all things dairy--with recipes throughout. According to the Greek creation myth, we are so much spilt milk; a splatter of the goddess Hera''s breast milk became our galaxy, the Milky Way. But while mother''s milk may be the essence of nourishment, it is the milk of other mammals that humans have cultivated ever since the domestication of animals more than 10,000 years ago, originally as a source of cheese, yogurt, kefir, and all manner of edible innovations that rendered lactose digestible, and then, when genetic mutation made some of us lactose-tolerant, milk itself. Before the industrial revolution, it was common for families to keep dairy cows and produce their own milk. But during the nineteenth century, mass production and urbanization made milk safety a leading issue of the day, with milk-borne illnesses a common cause of death. Pasteurization slowly became a legislative matter. And today, milk is a test case in the most pressing issues in food politics, from industrial farming and animal rights to GMOs, the locavore movement, and advocates for raw milk, who controversially reject pasteurization. Profoundly intertwined with human civilization, milk has a compelling and a surprisingly global story to tell, and historian Mark Kurlansky is the perfect person to tell it. Tracing the liquid's diverse history from antiquity to the present, he details its curious and crucial role in cultural evolution, religion, nutrition, politics, and economics.

Stay Sexy & Don't Get Murdered by Karen Kilgariff & Georgia Hardstark

I mean…is there any greater advice than that? This book is hilarious, honest and insightful…and is a weird celebration of the people who love True Crime (like me!) The highly anticipated first book by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark, the voices behind the #1 hit podcast My Favorite Murder! Sharing never-before-heard stories ranging from their struggles with depression, eating disorders, and addiction, Karen and Georgia irreverently recount their biggest mistakes and deepest fears, reflecting on the formative life events that shaped them into two of the most followed voices in the nation. In Stay Sexy & Don't Get Murdered, Karen and Georgia focus on the importance of self-advocating and valuing personal safety over being 'nice' or 'helpful.' They delve into their own pasts, true crime stories, and beyond to discuss meaningful cultural and societal issues with fierce empathy and unapologetic frankness.

Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner

You know how kids love Guinness World Records books? It gives them insight into the strange and bizarre side of society… and this is like the adult version of that. It is full of quick chapters that look into the hidden side of everyday life, and uses economic principals to get to the root of what is really true… The chapter "What do school teachers and sumo wrestlers have in common" is a wild ride!

A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything is the debut non-fiction book by University of Chicago economist Steven Levitt and New York Times journalist Stephen J. Dubner. Published on April 12, 2005, by William Morrow, the book has been described as melding pop culture with economics.

For more recommendations like these, see our other Library Recommendations HERE, or contact the library and we'll be happy to find you a new book to try!

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