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The Reptile Club

Hooray! We're back with another virtual Raising Readers! I miss seeing you all each week and I really look forward to reading books and crafting with you all again!

Today I picked another Forest of Reading book so that you can continue to participate in the Forest of Reading. The Forest of Reading has moved online and voting will continue until June 1, 2020, for more information and details you can click here.

Below you will find a link to a video of the author Maureen Fergus reading "The Reptile Club". I think you will really enjoy listening to Maureen, she does a fabulous job! Once you have listened to the story I have included some discussion questions that you can share with others, or just think about yourself. If you want to learn more about reptiles I have also included some links to some great eBooks and websites. Finally, because I know this is your favourite part I have included instructions for a craft idea to go along with the story! Please enjoy today's reading and as always please share and thoughts or creations with us, we would love to hear from you!

The Reptile Club Read by Maureen Fergus

Discussion Questions:

1. What are your favourite things? Do you remember what Rory's favourite things were? (Mine are: sunny days, turtles and reading good books!)

2. If you were going to start your own club what would it be? What what your password and secret handshake be?

3. What is a reptile?

Here are the characteristics of a reptile:

  • breath air

  • they have bones

  • muscles

  • nervous system: made of the brain, spinal cord and nerves the nervous system controls actions

  • they have special skin made of scales or bony plates or both

  • reptiles are the same temperature as their environment.

Can you think of some animals that are reptiles?

4. What is your favourite reptile? Why is it your favourite? I already answered this question! My favourite reptile is the turtle, because I think they are cute.


Reptile Club Craft:

This week we are going to make our favourite reptiles. Egg cartons and toilet paper tubes are great for making snakes, turtles and crocodiles, but you can make anything you want! Be as creative as you can and use anything that you can find around your house. Here is a picture of Tanya the Turtle I made my turtle out of an egg carton but of course you can use anything you want!

Have fun!


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